2017 - Brownsea

 2017 Brownsea Trip

Hatty went on a trip to Brownsea with 6th Newport

Near the Jetty on Brownsea is a convenient place for Hatty to meet a very famous head...

And a familiar friend!

Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour is about 25 miles west of the Needles (at the western end of the Isle of Wight). It's where Robert Baden-Powell took a group of 20 boys to his first experimental camp for boys. At 8:00 am on 1st August 1907 BP blew a Kudu horn to summon the boys to the opening of the camp. MaC has a Kudu horn (an imitation one) which he took on the trip with him.  He also took Sid the Scout - you can see Sid's story about the trip at https://sidthescout.blogspot.com/2022/06/6th-newport-trip-to-brownsea-island.html

Ex-bugler Janet was the only one who could get a decent note from the Kudu horn!